Hoshizaki Thailand

Description: 2 Door Upright reach in cabinet
Temperature: Refrigerator temperature of -6oC to 12oC
 Evaporator System:  Fin & Tube
 Defrost system:  Off Cycle
 Refrigerant:  134a
 AMP:  2.08A
 Electrical Consumption:  348W
 Heat Rejection:  535W
 Storage Capacity:  559 Litres
 Doors:  2 doors
 Shelves:  4 pieces
 Options:  Glass doors can be fitted
Sample of table design
Temperature: Temperature
Controller: Controller
Shelves: Shelves
Legs: Legs
Storage Capacity: Storage Capacity
No. of Doors: No. of Doors
Sample of table design
Temperature: Temperature Temperature
Controller: Controller Controller
Shelves: Shelves Shelves
Legs: Legs Legs
Storage Capacity: Storage Capacity Storage Capacity
No. of Doors: No. of Doors No. of Doors

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Hoshizaki (Thailand) Limited.

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